Hi everyone, Bev’s update follows this brief word about our upcoming trip to Uganda in May of 2023. We have applications for about half the spots on our team, so there is still time to get your reservation in.We will begin having meetings (in person or on video platforms) in January and I will start circulating prayer requests. I hope to create a true team spirit for an effective outreach that will make an impact for the gospel in Uganda. You can find all the information and an application here: https://calvarynm.church/connectmenu/events/event/?event_id=9078 If you have questions, email me at: Chip.lusko@calvaryabq.org Now, here’s Bev: |
Hello and greetings from Uganda! As usual, life has its ups and downs, and God is with us through them all!! On 4th November, I (Beverly) had surgery in Greenville, SC, and it was discovered that I have a form of breast cancer called mucinous carcinoma. The surgeon believes that she removed it all, but of course, we cannot be sure until more surgery is done. So I am in Uganda now, but I will be returning to South Carolina on 8th December, and have surgery to remove more tissue and some lymph nodes on 12th December. Then I will do three weeks of radiation in January. I should be back in Uganda again in early February. So why did I leave the USA, come to Uganda for two weeks, and will now return to USA? Well, the most excellent news is that our daughter Joyce Ayo got married on 26th November, and I had promised her I would be here to walk her down the aisle unless I was dead! Obviously, I am not dead, so I returned to Uganda and we had the loveliest wedding you could ever imagine! Joy and Wilson have gone through many months of counseling, and they both have changed tremendously in their actions and attitudes towards each other. I truly believe God is at the center of the marriage and will guide and direct them for the rest of their lives! |

Some people ask what we do all day as missionaries and mission staff. So I will just briefly list many of our ministries for you.
- We teach Bible in 10 government prisons to probably 2000 people a week.
- We have a School of Ministry/School of Worship here on campus, and have several day students and several boarding students.
- The Bridge Calvary Chapel is here on the compound, and Called Christians is the landlord. We combine ministries with the church at times, and we work together very well.
- We support several students for school fees, food, housing, medical, and general life needs, while teaching them the Bible and including them in many of our ministries.
- We go to pray for those who are sick at the local hospitals on Sunday.
- We hold pastor conferences here, which the village and local pastors plan and conduct. Called Christians provides transportation, housing, and food. We usually have about 100 men attend those conferences.
- We have Bible studies for women in two different villages, and in one of those villages, we have a women’s Bible school so that when the women finish, they can lead their own Bible studies. We also have a Women’s branch of Bible School for our pastors’ wives.
- We have Bible studies and children’s outreaches in several local underprivileged areas.
- We have a “gate” ministry where we help people in need with food, medical, rent and clothing.
- And we have many other local outreaches like “round table discussions,” movie night, children’s ministries, and a women’s Bible study.
So we are often very, very busy sharing the Gospel, and following the Mission Statement of Called Christians, which is “To make Disciples who make Disciples who make Disciples…”
I did mention that there are ups AND downs. One of the “downs” has been that our neighbors have decided to build a new block wall and tore down the chain link fence that was between their land and ours. But when they started building their wall, they laid their blocks two feet inside of our property, and tried to take about 4 yards of our land on the other end of the properties. I had them break the wall down and start over, using the boundary stones as legal markers. They again built inside our property, so last night, I had to call the local authorities and have them break the wall down again. Then they started building again this morning and were building again on OUR SIDE! So now two of my staff, one of whom is a builder, are there watching them every minute and making them stick to the legal boundaries, and we also involved other local authorities. The neighbors thought they would wear me down by pushing and pushing, but I am very stubborn. If I wasn’t stubborn, I could not run this organization, ha ha ha!

My most exciting news is that in May, a team is coming from Albuquerque to work with us here for two weeks. They will teach in prisons, schools, and villages, and will pray in the hospital, and will even do a physical work project. The entire Called Christians team is so excited that they are coming! I do want to thank every person that has contributed to this mission and its ministries. We are constantly busy sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone that we can. And every contribution helps us to do that. Our budget is between $18,000 and $20,000 a month. I know it seems like a lot, but our fuel bill alone for 7 ministry vehicles is about $1800 per month. And we have a staff of about 40 people that need to get paid. We use every dollar that you send for the mission and for the people that come to us for both physical and spiritual needs. So thank you for your kindness and generosity! Please always remember us in your prayers, as we constantly are under attack by Satan. He truly does not like the work we do here! Many, many blessings to you all, and may you walk with Christ every day! Beverly Rich |
Prayers and Praises
Finances for the mission
Spiritual growth of the staff
Healing for many, many sick people around us
Wisdom and seriousness for our young people that are in school now
Safety for us, the staff, and all of Uganda during Christmas time – the most dangerous time of the year for traffic accidents and robberies
Wisdom for those running the mission while I am away